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标签: 海外肺炎 足球 篮球 NBA

直播吧3月27日讯 华盛顿大学医学院的一项数据分析显示,在未来四个月内,美国可能有超过8.1万人死于新冠病毒,而且可能要到6月份病毒才会逐渐消退。((Reuters) - The coronavirus pandemic could kill more than 81,000 people in the United States in the next four months and may not subside until June, according to a data analysis done by University of Washington School of Medicine.)

根据报道,美国住院人数预计将在4月的第二周达到峰值,不过一些州的峰值可能会晚一些。根据分析,尽管最迟在6月,死亡人数应该低于每天10人的水平,但有些美国人可能会在7月继续死于这种病毒。(The number of hospitalized patients is expected to peak nationally by the second week of April, though the peak may come later in some states. Some people could continue to die of the virus as late as July, although deaths should be below epidemic levels of 10 per day by June at the latest, according to the analysis.)

这份分析报告使用了来自政府、医院和其他来源的数据,预测美国可能的死亡人数相差很大,从最低的38,000人到最高的162,000人不等。(The analysis, using data from governments, hospitals and other sources, predicts that the number of U.S. deaths could vary widely, ranging from as low as around 38,000 to as high as around 162,000.)

这项研究的负责人、华盛顿大学健康指标与评估研究所所长克里斯托弗-默里博士表示,造成这种差异的部分原因是,病毒在不同地区的传播速度不同,专家们仍在努力对此做出解释。(The variance is due in part to disparate rates of the spread of the virus in different regions, which experts are still struggling to explain, said Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, who led the study.)

据约翰斯-霍普金斯大学的数据显示,华盛顿大学一直是美国疫情爆发的中心。疫情最初是在华盛顿州发现的,到目前为止,该州已有109人死亡。(The University of Washington has been at the center of the outbreak in United States, which first was detected in the state of Washington and has so far killed 100 people in that state, according to date from Johns Hopkins University.)


添加时间:2020年03月27日 15:04:35

来源: 直播吧